Early Release


2024-25 Early Release 

Early Release is ONLY open to PSED students. Your child must be enrolled in PSED for that day for them to attend early release. 



Vacation Care

Vacation daycare is for PSED students only. PSED will be open from 8-6pm and the cost is $90 per day. 


24-25 Vacation Care Dates*:

October 3rd- Rosh Hashanah

October 12th -Yom Kippur

November 5th- Professional Day

January 29th- Lunar New Year

April 18th - Good Friday 


We are not open on November 27th ( noon dismissal day) 

PSED also closed for the Winter Break ( 12/23 to 1/2)

February  Break Closed

April Break Closed 


 * Please note these dates may change from year to year based on PSED staffing




July, 2024
 PSED is currently full at all grade levels  and we are not able to accommodate any new students at this time. 
If you would like to add your child's name to the PSED  Wait List, please follow the link on the left hand side of this page. 
If your child is on our wait list we will contact you right away if a space does open up. 
Please feel free to reach out to Ellen Lenoch, PSED Program Director at 
if you have specific questions about this information. 
Thank You!


Parent Handbook 2024-2025 .docx
Microsoft Word Document 365.9 KB